
Personal Tax Prep

Personal tax preparation

Deliver accurate returns that optimize your unique tax situation while saving time and money. With Personal Taxprep services, I'll streamline your tax preparation process and keep more money in your pocket!

Corporate Financials

Corporate financial statement and income tax preparation

Whether you’re using Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) certified income tax preparation software, such as TurboTax Business Incorporate, or preparing a paper return, the process will be much easier if you have all the documents and information you need organized and at hand.

Section 116 Clearance Certificates

Obtaining Section 116 Clearance Certificates for non-resident sales of Canadian Property

Non-residents of Canada who sell Canadian assets must determine whether such sale gives rise to a Canadian tax liability. If it does, it is important to obtain what is colloquially called a section 116 certificate, in reference to the governing provision of Canada’s Income Tax Act.

Corporate Financials

General Consultation

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